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What We Provide...
Phase 1: transitional services
We continue to provide the same services you knew us for in the past. We will meet our clients at the gate and pick them up for transportation. We'll help provide the same basic, stabilizing needs: shelter, food, clothing, and employment. This will not change.
Phase 2:self-actualization
The Way Home, Inc. promotes self-actualization through evidence-based individual and group sessions - both in house, and with referrals to community organizations. We also offer a new program designed to develop workforce skills to promote job stability.
Phase 3: support
Support for those of our clients who have reached independence and true freedom will be provided. We understand that transitioning is a process and we remain available to clients as a safety net.
Please Take A Moment To Look Over Our List Of Services...
Pick up from Department of Corrections and other Transportation
First Meal Out
Assistance with Securing Housing
Clothing and Toiletries
Testimonials at Parole and Probation Hearings
Obtaining Birth Certificates, Identification, and DD-214 Papers
when Applicable
Workforce Development, Career Building,
Referrals to Community Resources
Professional and Personal Advocacy
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